Administrative Medical Assistant (cc)

NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION is NOW CLOSED for the Spring 2025 semester.

Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:45am to 6:45pm.*

*Office hours may change due to holidays or other circumstances. Go to the school website to check for changes to school office hours before visiting a school site.

PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS MUST meet the following prerequisites before enrolling in this class:

  • Completion of Prerequisite Class: Medical Terminology

  • Students MUST purchase and wear burgundy scrubs to class.

  • Students MUST attend the first day of class for orientation.

Administrative medical assistant filling out information.

Prepare for work in the health industry as a Medical Assistant-Administrative (front office). Qualified Medical Assistants are in demand in today’s employment market. This course will prepare you for work in a variety of positions and teach you medical software.

Chula Vista Adult School
(619 ) 796-7000


Monday and Tuesday/5:30pm to 8:30pm  AND

Wednesday and Thursday/4:30pm to 8:30pm

LENGTH: 18 weeks

San Ysidro Adult School
(619 ) 428-7200


Monday and Tuesday/8:30am to 11:30am  AND

Wednesday and Thursday/8:30am to 12:30pm

LENGTH: 18 weeks

COST: All CTE courses consist of FREE registration and books.*

*Students are responsible for the cost of scrubs and any fees for certification and fingerprinting.

Click here for detailed information: BROCHURE