Heath Care Essentials

ALL CTE Courses are NOW open for registration. Please visit the school where the training is located to register. Be aware, some courses fill up quickly.

Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:45am to 6:45pm.*

*Office hours may change due to holidays or other circumstances. Go to the school website to check for changes to school office hours before visiting a school site.

Health Care Essentials – PREREQUISITE for the Certified Nurse Assistant program.

Healthcare essentials promotional pictureThis introductory course is designed to provide an overview of the elements and systems involved in a health care career. In addition to their work on body structures and functions, students will learn study strategies, interpersonal dynamics, job search skills, legal and ethical responsibilities, and computer skills.

San Ysidro Adult School
(619 ) 428-7200


Monday through Thursday/5:30pm – 8:30pm

LENGTH: 11 weeks


National City Adult School
(619 ) 336-9400


Tuesday and Thursday/4:00pm – 8:00pm

LENGTH: 11 weeks 

COST: All CTE courses are FREE. 

Click here for detailed information: BROCHURE