Career Technical Education (CTE)

NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN for the Spring 2025 semester. To register, visit the school where the training is located. Registration will be open until courses are full.

Regular office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:45am to 6:45pm.*

*Please be aware that office hours may change due to the impact of the pandemic. Go to the school website to check for changes to school office hours.


CTE provides many opportunities to prepare for a specialized, high demand career, ensuring you will become a skilled and productive worker. Programs of Study linked to Southwestern College are also offered. Whether starting a new career or upgrading current skills, CTE is your transition into the workforce!

Want to know how long it takes to get trained? Select the individual course webpage links below to see the length of the course. Courses can be 9 weeks, 11 weeks, or 18 weeks long.


*(cc) = College Credit: Many CTE courses are articulated with Southwestern Community College. This means you will earn college credits and get a jump start on a college degree. All articulated courses are noted with (cc) in the title.